Dia Internacional De Nelson Mandela 1
20 Aniversario CHHA 1610 AM
Toronto BG Night Waterfront 1920x1080 1
Dia Internacional de Nelson Mandela (1)
20 Aniversario CHHA 1610 AM
La voz de la comunidad

Fr. Hernan Astudillo realized that it was crucial for Canada to hear their voices, and hence was born Radio Voces Latinas 1610AM, the first Spanish-speaking community radio station in Canada.

In order to make the community’s presence felt, Fr. Hernan Astudillo realized that it was crucial for Canada to hear their voices, and hence was born Radio Voces Latinas 1610AM, the first Spanish-speaking community radio station in Canada.

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Station Info


Before 2003, the Latin American community in Toronto needed a forum, other than print media, to express its opinions, share its aspirations and voice its needs. Since it is a community that is still often described as ‘significantly to extremely disadvantaged’ according to unemployment, education, and poverty levels, the need for a platform to express issues, views, and opinions was vital. Furthermore, access to mass media was essential for the community to integrate with Canadian society.

The pre-existing Spanish radio initiatives were significantly restricted by airtime. This compelled them to adopt a purely commercial character and thus fail to address the essential areas that a full-time grassroots community radio would cover; Areas such as legal initiatives, political decisions, new laws, employment issues, social issues and immigration. In addition, while the airwaves were inundated with chart-busters, the magnificent pool of local Latin jazz, mambo, salsa, merengue, bolero bands and Andean musical talent went unnoticed.

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In order to make the community’s presence felt, Fr. Hernan Astudillo realized that it was crucial for Canada to hear their voices, and hence was born Radio Voces Latinas 1610AM, the first Spanish-speaking community radio station in Canada.

Versión en español presione aquí

The beginning


Volunteer - CHHA1610am

Si eres estudiante o miembro de la comunidad y deseas tener experiencia en radio comunitaria, o tienes una buena idea para un programa radial, que represente los objetivos de transmisión alternativos de CHHA 1610 AM La Voz de la Comunidad y las comunidades a las que servimos, ponte en contacto con nosotros y se parte de nuestro equipo de voluntarios. Escríbenos a info@chha1610am.ca


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Radiotón Ecuador 2023

Apoyemos a las familias afectadas por los desastres naturales en Ecuador. 

Puedes hacer tu donacion via E-transfer enviando tu contribución a:


O en persona en nuestras oficinas, ubicadas en 22 Wenderly Drive, Toronto, ON, Canada, M6B 2N9. Mayor información al (416) 782-2953

No importa cuánto puedas dar, tu donación hará la diferencia. El mundo necesita más personas como tú, personas que hacen el bien.
